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Half Half

A New Component

Recently I have been working on my landing page (Home). What I wanted the visitor immediately to read and see: Who am I? My idea is to present on the landing page a kind of slogan and also a picture that answers this question. Both elements should be next to each other in an appealing way. There are some inspirations I got from other portfolio websites.

This is a feature blog post where I share the latest development news about my website with you.

pic of a cat

How can I use it?

As I am writing my blog post with a mix of markdown and mdsvex I can just use the following code inside of my markdown files to style my content.

  text="This is a <strong>feature blog post</strong> 
  where I share the latest development news about my
  website with you." 

What could be improved here?

When that “Half Half”-Component is used between to paragraphs the amount of whitespace on the left is feeling a bit too high for me. It would be awesome to have the possibility to wrap some text around that new component.